
Unlimited user generate contents and revenues

In Climbers, lands are traded as NFTs. Lands are edited by users, and the best lands are voted on by governors' tokens.

Lands can also generate revenue. The revenue that comes into the game from other players playing, i.e., the revenue for each land, is aggregated and distributed to the land owners, the map creators, and the users who voted for governance.

Anyone can create and edit lands, and because Climbers games are binaries that include an editor, anyone who installs Climbers will be able to create and edit lands on the fly.

The users who create and trade lands, would be a small portion of the total number of users of the game. However, because there are a certain number of land creators, new lands will be created rapidly. Until now, racing games have had a fixed number of lands and have not allowed the creation of lands that are too tricky. This time, Climbers has been designed to allow for many variations of lands, such as placing prizes within the lands or placing high prizes in very nasty places. It is impossible for us, the management, to create these lands by ourselves. We hope that users with good taste will create various lands, publish them, and then vote on them to evaluate them and make money.

Perhaps it is the creators of the lands who can earn the most money from Climbers.

The game's user-driven land creation will produce endless content, and the game will not get boring even after repeated play.

This is very important for sustainability and the economy.
