Voting(Staking and Farming)

In Climbers, the staking of a $MITHRIL (governor's token) is called a "vote". A "vote" has two effects. "ads" and "likes." In Climbers, the staking of governor tokens is not a simple investment, but something that is closely related to the game.

Climbers allow users to create their own stages. However, it is extremely difficult to decide which stage is the best among the huge amount of stage data. Users with $CLIMB can "vote" for any stage.

Voted stages get higher scores and more exposure to users. Stages that are played by more players will have a higher return on investment. Stages that are played by many players generate a lot of revenue.

Users who "vote" for a stage earn money for the labor of voting. It is hard work to choose good stages and to vote for good stages, but it is a pleasant labor.
