Game 3.0

Mass adoption of web2->web3 by Game-Fi x Social-Fi x Metaverse

Climbers and Game 3.0

Climbers used the keyword Game 3.0

Game-fi is a popular keyword in 2021-2022, also known as a Play to Earn game (P2E). However, it is not possible to continuously provide value to players by building only an economy within the game service.

Social-Fi is a concept that monetizes based on the social graph that has been spreading since 2022

Climbers has combined the element of Game-Fi, Social-Fi, and Metaverse.

The quality of the game is also higher than the average, which makes this game attractive enough for web2 users. Climbers are trying to achieve mass adoption of web3, bringing web2 users to web3 users.

Definition of Game 3.0

Game 1.0 is a game before connecting to the Internet

Game 2.0 is a game that utilizes the Internet

Game 3.0 is a game where block-chain is fully utilizes

We believe that Climbers will be the first game in which block-chain is fully utilized.
