No wallet required, basically free

Freemium model

Climbers is the game that can be played for free without the need for a wallet. We have developed and operated numerous blockchain games and are well aware that purchasing crypto currency and using a wallet can be extremely challenging for general game users (for example, we have received many inquiries about reissuing private keys).

Moreover, we believe it is crucial to attract a large number of users who are not involved with Web3 or blockchain in order to expand the Web3 game market. The number of users for "general" games, such as Fortnite and League of Legends, easily exceeds 100 million. In contrast, the actual active user count for Web3 games, excluding bots, is significantly lower (we estimate it to be around 1/1000th).

You might wonder if it’s really possible to earn without a wallet and just by playing for free. The answer is “yes.” Please refer to the Economy and Earn elements sections for more information on this point.
